Wednesday, December 5, 2012

African American Roots

Every musical genre has it’s genesis, it’s origins, it’s beginning.

Rap music isn’t just a genre in itself; it mingles many other types of music, like gospel, jazz, Motown, R&B and soul music. 
Rap is by no means a modern invention. The idea of creative use of language, metaphor and indirection is found in African history as a means to express discontent with the social system

It’s a known Fact that African Americans feel that they are the victim’s of white oppression in America. Hip Hop was a new creative way to speak out against this social inequity. Moreover it is deeply rooted in a history of black people declaring fearlessly, yet in a hidden language of symbols, messages of unshackling themselves from the powers oppress them.

Music like Rap changes with every generation. New beats and new artists shape the entire scene as they go along only to be changed again.
The beauty and that unique twist that rap has is the fact of relating it with oneself. To some people the aggression and anger that is portrayed within the lyrics and to others it can bee seen as an art. 

This song has such an amazing beat! Kinda reminiscent of old classic rap fused with modern rap beat

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